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The end of thermal? Our solution to this

In recent years, electric power seems to be gradually taking over thermal power, particularly for cars and two-wheeled vehicles. Given the success of this new technology, industrial machines such as agricultural and forestry machines are also riding the trend by gradually switching to electric.

Will the use of thermal agricultural and forestry machines soon be a thing of the past?

It is difficult to predict with certainty when the use of thermal agricultural and forestry machines will be a thing of the past. However, it is clear that growing pressures to mitigate climate change have spurred the development of electric and hybrid agricultural and forestry machines.

These new technologies have significant advantages over thermal machines, including reduced greenhouse gas emissions, greater energy efficiency, lower operating costs and reduced noise and air pollution. .

However, electric and hybrid agricultural and forestry machines are still relatively new to the market and widespread adoption may take time due to higher initial purchase costs and the need for appropriate charging infrastructure.

Overall, the use of thermal agricultural and forestry machinery is expected to decline over time, but it could take some time before new electric and hybrid technologies become the norm in these industries.

Where are we in the use of electric and hybrid machines in agriculture and forestry?

The use of electric and hybrid machines in agriculture and forestry is still relatively new, but it is growing rapidly.

In agriculture, electric machines such as tractors, combine harvesters and milking robots are being developed and deployed. These machines have significant benefits, including reduced greenhouse gas emissions, greater energy efficiency, reduced operating costs and reduced noise and air pollution.

In the forestry sector, electric and hybrid machines are also being developed and deployed. Electric chain saws and hybrid feller-foragers are increasingly used in forestry operations. These machines offer improved energy efficiency, reduced operating costs and reduced air and noise pollution.

What efficiency can we expect from hybrid and electric agricultural machines?

Hybrid and electric agricultural machinery have significant benefits in terms of energy efficiency and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

When it comes to energy efficiency, electric and hybrid machines can offer significantly higher energy efficiency than thermal machines. Electric motors have higher energy efficiency and energy recovery systems in hybrid machines can improve energy efficiency even further.

In terms of greenhouse gas emissions, electric machines produce zero emissions when powered by electricity produced from renewable sources such as solar or wind power. Even when energy is produced from fossil sources, greenhouse gas emissions are often lower compared to those from thermal machines.